Beckham Refuses to Skip the Queue During Queen Viewing


In a day and age where fame allows you certain perks and privilege’s it isn’t often you hear of them turning them down especially if it means waiting 13 hours. For the public Queen viewing former star national soccer player David Beckham was offered to skip the queue for the public viewing for the public to say goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II, but refused and waited 13 hours in line with the public to do so.  Beckham cited his  families Royalist roots as the reason why:

“He said his grandad wouldn’t have [jumped the queue] so neither would he.

“He had been wondering all week when the best time was to go and finally he went for this morning. David was brought up in an East End family who were real royalists – the kind who would stand to attention when the national anthem came on.”

Whatever your thoughts on the Queen, celebrity or fame and fortune I think we can celebrate someone willing to put it aside and wait like that in public. So good you David Beckham.
