A Cup Of Water Goes With Sleep


I am now starting to live an adult life now that I am out of college and experiencing adult things…wait, that sounded worse than I thought I meant like taxes and bills and things. But, another thing that you start to learn as you are out in the real adult world is that people are all very different. This led me to ask the question on Instagram, do you sleep with a glass of water next to your bed?

Growing up, this was something that I have always done. Whether it is a glass bottle or cup, having that option to drink some water is just necessary for sleep. You never know when you are going to get thirsty. Either before you sleep right in the middle or right when you wake up so having that right there available to you is the best.

As I was saying, I asked this question on Instagram and it wasn’t for no reason. I was talking to some people and some of them said that they don’t sleep with a cup of water next to their bed and that just blew my mind.

But after what people said I’m glad to know that I’m not crazy for having water with me because 56% of the people who voted also do this same thing and only 12% are the people that blew my mind. 31% of people just do it when they remember which is fair. You know I’ll still count you as awesome even if you are a bit lazy/forgetful.

So overall I guess it is mostly just a universally accepted thing to have a cup of water with you when you sleep. Even though some might not do it all the time and others might not do it at all. ost people like to have a refreshing cup of water with their sleep.

I like to ask a different question over on our Instagram story everyday.

You can answer today’s question here: on KIX FM or on RIVER COUNTRY

-Jared Gomes