More Money Provided To Film And TV Productions


The Alberta government has more money available to help support local film and TV productions.

Arts and Culture Minister Tanya Fir says their budget now has $2.8 million available through the Alberta Made Screen Industries Program.

“It’s exciting. We’re so proud of our growing film and television industry and we’re looking forward to build it further by developing Alberta talent and content and what it’s going to mean for our continuing economic momentum.”

Fir says the money available in the program was doubled because of the growing demand for Alberta-made productions.

“The increased budget means we’ll be able to support more applications for this incredibly popular grant which is so essential to getting new Alberta talent and content on the screen. Within that, there’s the Alberta Made Production Grant training and mentorship incentive. It supports Alberta based productions that provide that critical training ground for emerging talent in all areas of the industry.”

You can listen to that full interview below.

– Kyle Moore, Trending 55 Newsroom