Not Much Change in Alberta’s Job Market Last Month

The jobs situation isn’t getting any worse in Alberta, but it’s not getting any better either.

The provincial unemployment rate crept up to 8.8 percent in January 2017, up from 8.5 percent in December.

atb-logoStatistics Canada says there were about 25,000 part-time positions created in Alberta between those two months, but numbers show that it was offset by a drop in about that many full-time jobs.

ATB Financial says that in this case, it could mean a drop in the quality of work that’s currently available.

The bank says that because Alberta spent much of the last two years in a recession, we’re now at the point where the year-over-year comparison shows little change, with total employment year-over-year now essentially the same. But, it’s still lower than in April 2016 by about two percent.

– Posted by BET