Province Staying Committed To Health And Safety In Schools


Education Minister Adriana LaGrange says the province is fully committed to making sure that students and staff in schools can get through the year safely.

We talked to the minister on the Trending 55 Hot Seat and she tells us that the province is working with all the different school divisions to provide different resources to help schools.

“They will be continuing to provide hygiene and sanitization for the students. We’ve encouraged that students continue to follow the daily health checklist that’s available as well as the staff, and it you’re sick please stay home. Of course all of the other things we’ve been following over the course of the pandemic will continue to be followed.”

One thing the province is doing is vaccination clinics in schools for students in grades 7 to 12 as well as teachers and staff.

LaGrange says they’ve also provided a number of supports for mental health and wellness.

“We’ve had over $40 million province-wide added on a continuum of supports that can be accessed. I know that for the students, there’s the Kids Help Phone, also Alberta 2-1-1, the Crisis Service, and many more availabilities for both students and staff to access if they need it.”

We talked to the minister on the Trending 55 Hot Seat, the full conversation can be heard below.

– Kyle Moore, Trending 55 Newsroom