The Best Slice


Does size matter for something like a sandwich? Turns out yeah. The other day I was making myself a sandwich with different meats and cheeses and I was wondering what is the best way to go about this. Is a nice thick slice of meat and cheese the way to go? or is it better to have a couple of thinner slices?

What I eventually decided is that I prefer thinner slices when it’s… well anything whether it’s building a sandwich or just some thinly sliced ham or roast beef. My reasoning is it’s much more manageable when you’re trying to eat it and it’s easier to chew and handle. if you think “well a thinner slice is just less”. Well, just have like three thin slices to equal an average slice and there, problem is solved. So, not only is it the same amount but for some reason, a thin piece tastes better…I can’t explain how that works though.

On Kix FM turns out no one agrees with me. 67% said that thick slices are the way to go followed by 33% saying that just an average slice is the best. I admit thick slices are really good. Like you get a nice thick juicy patty on your hamburger and that’s amazing! but I don’t think it beats eating a finger-sized burger.

On River Country, 43% of people agreed with me in saying that thin slices are the way to go. Tied with the average sliced option. Thick was actually in last place with 14%. kind of unexpected and opposite of how it was on KIX FM.

Overall it seems that everyone prefers their sandwiches made differently on KIX it’s a thick sandwich and over on River it’s a thin or average sandwich. There wasn’t one clear winner across both stations which surprised me. Despite that I’m still gonna enjoy my thin sandwiches to the best of my abilit-…okay let’s face it although I prefer the thin sandwiches I’m just gonna make whatever I have lying around so I’ll just have that, a thick piece of ham, a thin slice of cheese, and just an average piece of bread. The best of all worlds I guess.

I like to ask a different question over on our Instagram story everyday I’m on.

You can answer today’s question here: on KIX FM or on RIVER COUNTRY

-Jared Gomes