AFAC Awards Now Accepting Nominations

The organization Alberta Farm Animal Care is calling for nominations for its 2017 AFAC Awards for Distinction.

The group first initiated the honors in 2001, in order to recognize individuals or groups making exceptional contributions in the field of livestock welfare.

AFACAFAC says each potential recipient works hard to advance the group’s mandate, as well as the welfare of livestock in general in Alberta.

There are three award categories. The Award of Distinction for Communication goes to someone who takes an active role in effectively getting the message out regarding livestock issues, and informing the public and agriculture industry about farm animal care honestly and factually.

The Award of Distinction for Industry Leadership would go to those who integrate animal welfare into their core business strategies, while the Award of Distinction for Innovation honours those developing a new process, product or source of knowledge making a significant impact on improving the welfare of livestock and the industry.

As well, AFAC says that each nominee must demonstrate a strong commitment to others through contributions to his or her community, and be recognized by their peers as reaching a high level of accomplishment and expertise in their fields.

Anyone who knows an individual or organization whose contributions to animal care enhance their community and inspire others, can summarize, in writing, why they believe the person or organization deserves the award. It can then be emailed to Kristen Mortensen, at The deadline to get one in is on Wednesday, March 1, 2017.

Anyone wanting further information can check out the website at, or they can call the AFAC office at 1-403-652-5111.

– Posted by BET