Alberta 4-H Offers New Workshops & Credit Program

Alberta 4-H, along with the United Farmers of Alberta (UFA), are joining forces.

Both groups are set to bring provincial 4-Hers the Hands-On with UFA Workshops and the 4-H Credit Program.

new-4h-logoCameron Horner, a 4-H specialist with Alberta Agriculture & Forestry (AF), says each workshop aims to help participants develop life skills and make new friendships while having fun.

“Some of the things 4-H members may learn in the series of workshops include farm safety, co-operative basics, tack cleaning, animal care and goal setting,” said Horner.

As well, the 4-H Credit Program helps youth establish credit and understand how to borrow money responsibly.

“It’s never too early for tomorrow’s leaders to learn about financial responsibility,” Horner said. “Learning about it early is a valuable life lesson. Under this program, club members have the opportunity to apply for credit from the UFA for feed and supplies for their yearly 4-H projects.

“4-Hers can then get loans for the purchase of marketable livestock,” he continued. “They include beef, swine, sheep, meat goats, as well as horses.”

For more information on the workshops and the credit program, or even about Alberta 4-H in general, head to their web page, at

Other options include calling 780-422-4444, or emailing

– Posted by BET