Friday 5 – Movie Theatre Candies


This week I took in Equalizer 3 and was debating what snacks to get, which can be hard especially if there is a line up going behind you. So I decided why not look at movie theatre candy for the Friday 5. Now it was going to be snacks but I didn’t want to have popcorn on the list because that is too obvious to be number 1, and realized that candy tends to be most of what is left, so here is the Friday 5 Movie Theatre Candy edition.

5. Nibs

Starting off the Friday 5 is Nibs, the bite sized licorice snack. Now dibs is good if your combo comes with a smaller candy or you just want a bite sized snack of licorice without getting the big bag. It’s a favourite for many for a reason and earned a spot on the list.


4. M&M’s

M&M’s are just a fact of life at this point and remain a popular snack or candy in general and tend to be a popular option for movie goers. Pending the theatre you are visiting, you can get a big or small bag of them. They are a staple for a reason.


3. Milk Duds

Now we are getting into the bigger candy on the list with Milk Duds. The chocolate chewy caramel treat has certainly become a staple of the movie going experience. Personally I like to play with them in my mouth making them smaller and smaller rather than just chew them, I still have some metal in my mouth so it’s a good way for me to enjoy them.


2. Chocolate Raisins

Chocolate raisins are the runner up for movie theatre candy. I enjoy chocolate raisins, which typically was reserved for Easter or Christmas as a kid. Used as bunny poop to find the Easter chocolates. They are a great snack during the movies, though some opt for the peanuts, but raisins get the spot on the list.


1. Twizzlers

Number 1 is without a doubt is Twizzlers. Something about Twizzlers and movies just go together and are the undisputed movie candy. They are easily shareable and can be surprisingly filling.


– Everett