Grants open for Mackenzie County farmers transitioning to organic practices


Organic Alberta is making grants available for Mackenzie County producers and local businesses to access funding for either agronomic services or to strengthen market development opportunities for organic grain processing and distribution.

There are two different funding opportunities; the Farmer Scholarship and Capacity Building Grant.

Farmer Scholarships will provide one-on-one agronomic coaching to grain and crop farmers in Mackenzie County transitioning to organic practices. The coaching includes 10 hours of consultation from March 15 – November 15, 2022 as well as a site visit.

There are three Farmer Scholarships that will be awarded to successful applicants. The deadline to apply is March 10, 2022

The Mackenzie County Organic Success Program is featuring capacity building grants for a one year period, with $82,000 for organic production in the region. The Capacity Building Grant is funding to support applicants to build industry awareness and contacts through trade shows, conferences and business-to-business development and/or work with a business consultant to strengthen their business.

Organic Alberta will be reimbursing successful applicants for approved activities following a submission of final reports and receipts.

Program Coordinator of the Mackenzie County Organic Success Program, Melisa Zapisocky says Mackenzie County is a particular area of focus for Organic Alberta. “In 2018, organic operations in Mackenzie County grew from 180 to 272 producers and constitutes over 40% of total organic operations in the province.” Zapisocky says the non-profit association is definitely invested in supporting the region and build resiliency in the organic community for the area.

To be eligible for the grants, businesses and producers must be in Mackenzie County. For application forms and all the details click here!

Melisa Zapisocky was a guest on the River Country Ag Show, you can listen to the full interview down below and listen on the radio for it every week day during the noon hour.

-Erika Rolling, Trending 55 Newsroom