The wildfire danger is very high in the High Level Forest Area. The area received some rain however it was not a significant amount nor widespread throughout the High Level Forest Area. The fire ban and off-highway vehicle restriction remain in effect. To report a wildfire please call 310-FIRE(3473).
A fire ban and OHV restriction is in effect within the High Level Forest Area due to extreme fire danger. The fire ban and OHV restriction will remain in effect until conditions improve.
Under this fire ban:
•All existing Fire Permits are suspended (or cancelled)
•No new Fire Permits will be issued
•All outdoor wood fires are banned, including wood campfires on public lands, wood campfires on private land and provincial campgrounds
•Backyard firepits
•BBQ charcoal briquettes
•The use of fireworks and exploding targets
•The recreational use of off-highway vehicles (OHV) on public lands, including designated OHV trails
•Propane/natural gas-powered appliances
•Open flame oil devices (e.g., turkey deep fryers, tiki torches)
•Indoor wood fires contained within a device with a chimney and spark arrestor
•All appliances must be CSA approved and used per manufacturer’s standards
•Indigenous people when using an OHV for traditional purposes. Traditional purposes are hunting, fishing, and trapping – including the use of an OHV to travel to the location(s) for these purposes.
•Essential industry-related activities requiring the use of OHVs.
•Off-highway vehicle use is still permitted on private lands.
Stay away from active wildfire areas | For your safety and to ensure firefighters can do their job safely, please stay away from active wildfire areas. Your cooperation is essential.
Danger trees | Be extra cautious near burnt areas and avoid forested areas that have been recently affected by wildfire. Hazards remain from deep ash pits, burning peat and falling trees or branches, especially if windy.
Reporting wildfires | Please do not report smoke or flame from within an active wildfire area. Firefighters are diverted from essential tasks to respond to fires reported by the public. You may see smoke or flame within the existing boundary of a wildfire, this is normal.
Smoke | Lingering smoke may still be visible in some areas and in affected communities. Smoke inversions can trap air near the ground causing dangerous driving conditions and poor air quality. Please use extra caution when driving in smoky conditions, and take necessary precautions if you have smoke-related health concerns.
Drones | The use of recreational drones over wildfires in Alberta is dangerous, illegal and could result in a fine of up to $15,000* for putting aircraft and people at risk. Please give Alberta firefighters the space they need to do their jobs safely. *Transport Canada
Firefighters and heavy equipment working together on the Paskwa fire. June 6, 2023.
There are seven wildfires in the High Level Forest Area. Of these fires, three are classified as out of control (OC), one is being held and three are under control (UC). To see a map of the wildfires in the High Level Forest Area and across the province please click here.
Fire number HWF058 is located approximately 45 km northwest of the community of Paddle Prairie and approximately 80 km southwest of the Town of High Level. This fire is classified as Out of Control (OC) at 370 hectares in size. There are 25 firefighters and 1 helicopter.
THE LONG LAKE FIRE | HWF036 | JUNE 6, 2023 AS OF 1:30 PM
The Long Lake fire (HWF036) was detected on May 3, 2023. This fire is classified as Out of Control (OC) and is 152,559 hectares in size. Fire activity across the fire area continues. Milder conditions due to localized rain have allowed firefighters to get in close to the fire line and has allowed for a more direct attack on the fire.
The fire continues to be active around the Baseline Road area. Crews continue to monitor this section of the fire from aircraft and dozers are creating a fire gaurd. If conditions allow, crews will use hand ignition along Baseline Road to tidy up the fire edge and burn any unburnt vegetation.
Fire activity south of the gas plant towards the powerline easement. Fire reached within 2-3 kilometers of the powerlines last Friday, but firefighters continue to actively monitor and control this area. Helicopters with buckets and dozers have constructed a guard along the powerline easement. Airtankers have also dropped retardant to provide extra protection. The fire hasn’t crossed the retardant line into the powerline easement at this time.
The fire is also active west of the Town of Rainbow Lake moving towards the British Columbia border. The Incident Management Team (IMT) at Rainbow Lake has been in daily contact with the team in Fort Nelson to develop a plan.
The northeast guard protecting the community of Chateh continues to hold with limited active fire along this edge. ATCO has restored power to the community of Rainbow Lake and Chateh. Re-entry to Chateh is planned for today, Monday 5th June.
Please be aware that there is still active fire burning in the area. Residents are reminded not to enter the fire area due to large number of firefighters, and equipment working. Burnt trees continue to fall which are dangerous.
Incident Management Teams from Canada, America and Australia and a large number of helicopters are currently working at the Incident Command Post located at the Town of Rainbow Lake airport to support this fire. Please keep out of this area to allow firefighters to continue to do their job.
There are currently 196 personnel supporting the Long Lake Fire. Including wildland and structural firefighters, incident management staff and heavy equipment operators. There are 10 helicopters, 15 dozers and 2 excavators dedicated to this fire.
Weather Forecast | Long Lake Fire
Today’s forecast is as follow, a temperature of 19 degrees, a relative humidity of 25 percent, and winds southwest 25-30 km/h gusting 50-55 km/h.
THE PASKWA FIRE | HWF030 | JUNE 6, 2023 AS OF 1:30 PM
The Paskwa fire is located in the community of Fox Lake and was detected on May 2, 2023. This fire is classified as Out of Control (OC) and the last recorded size is 93,310 hectares.
The top priorities for managing the Paskwa Fire are full extinguishment of fire in Fox Lake, protecting Garden River, and working toward securing the fire perimeter to prevent significant fire spread. Yesterday, GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping of the fire perimeter was completed to give a more accurate fire size. The Paskwa Fire is currently 93,310 ha.
Last night the fire did receive the forecast precipitation, combined with good overnight recovery (low temperatures and high humidity) fire activity is expected to be low.
Work continues along the entire north-northeast perimeter to remove remaining forest fuels and extinguish hot spots, keeping the fire south of the Peace River. Yesterday, fire crews started near 5th Meridian and will continue east, working along the oxbow to extinguish hot spots within the northeast fireguard. Helicopters were also bucketing in the area. The fireguard is a priority to prevent fire spread north across the Peace River and to protect the community of Garden River.
Helicopters continue bucketing along the southeast perimeter, and today, if conditions are favourable, ground crews will begin fire suppression in this area.
Yesterday, work was completed to secure the fire perimeter from Little Red River to Muskeg Creek, extinguishing remaining hot spots. The area will continue to be monitored for activity using heat scans from helicopter.
Work continues in Fox Lake to extinguish 75m perimeters around structures and remove danger trees. Heavy equipment is establishing guard lines around larger areas where there is still potential for fire spread to contain the fire while crews work to extinguish these hot spots.
The high-volume water system, water lines, and sprinkler systems on structures are in place in the community of Garden River, and structural firefighters remain on standby. These are proactive measures to ensure the community is prepared should the fires move closer to Garden River.
There are currently 197 personnel supporting the Paskwa Fire response including wildland and structural firefighters, incident management staff, heavy equipment operators, and Paskwa Fire Base support staff, as well as 11 helicopters dedicated to the Paskwa fire.
Evacuation Information and Alerts
Little Red River Cree Nation has an evacuation order in place for the community of Fox Lake. The community of Garden River remains on an evacuation alert. For information regarding the evacuation, please stay informed by visiting the Little Red River Cree Nation’s Facebook page.
The community of Garden River is under an evacuation alert.
Weather Forecast | Paskwa Fire
Today the forecast is as follows, a temperature of 21 degrees, a relative humidity of 30-35 percent, and winds southwest 25-30 km/h gusting 45 km/h.
Wood Buffalo National Park Fire Update| Davidson Complex
There is no current risk to the community of Garden River from the Davidson Lake fires. The fires are approximately 29,777 hectares combined and located 26 km northeast of Garden River. Yesterday, Wood Buffalo National Park fire personnel mapped a more accurate perimeter of the fires and observed more moderate fire behaviour like surface fire with a few torching trees, likely due to higher humidity and lower temperatures. Fire specialists will be discussing potential containment options along the eastern edge of Fire 14 with Little Red River Cree Nation this week. These options could include ignition operations and putting in fuel breaks using heavy equipment like dozers.
In the past few days, crews have installed structure protection on over 12 cabins in the area. They’ve been visiting and maintaining the sprinkler systems for the last three days.
For more information regarding fires burning within the Wood Buffalo National Park, please click here.
Map of the Paskwa fire and the fires in the Wood Buffalo National Park. Fire 23WB-009 is approximately 25 km northeast of the community of Garden River. June 6, 2023.
Smoke from wildfires may hang low to the ground at night and into the early morning due to temperature inversions. A temperature inversion is when warm air “caps” cooler air, causing smoke to be trapped in valley bottoms at night and into the early morning. The trapped smoke generally begins to lift after the sun rises and heats the earth’s surface. Inversions can be very dangerous for road conditions and surrounding communities. Visibility can be limited.
If you see smoke that is causing safety concerns to road conditions, please report to Alberta 511. Individuals experiencing smoke related health issues can contact Alberta Health. To see a map showing the smoke forecast please click here.
Volunteers, equipment owners/operators or firefighters looking to assist with these wildfires or any of the wildfires within the province can contact
The use of recreational drones over wildfires in Alberta is dangerous, illegal and could result in a fine of up to $15,000* for putting aircraft and people at risk. Please give Alberta firefighters the space they need to do their jobs safely.
*Transport Canada
A provincial state of emergency has been declared. Albertans who require assistance can call 310-4455 for wildfire related information.
Preparing in advance can keep you safe and comfortable, and help you get back to your normal life and work more quickly. It also helps others because emergency responders can focus on helping those who need it the most.
Connect with the Alberta Emergency Management Agency:
Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays)
Phone: 780-422-9000
Toll free: 310-0000 before the phone number (in Alberta)
Download the Alberta Wildfire app today and get access to accurate, real-time information on wildfires in your area. You can also find information on fire advisories, restrictions and bans across the province and much more all on your mobile device. Available for Apple and Android.
Before heading out, please check to determine whether there are any fire advisories, fire restrictions or fire bans in effect for your destination.
Volunteers, equipment owners/operators or firefighters looking to assist with these wildfires or any of the wildfires within the province can contact
There are multiple EVACUATION ORDERS & ALERTS in the Province. Please visit Alberta Emergency Alerts or your community webpage for more information.