High Level’s Community Peace Officer refers to 2019 as an “anomaly”


One of High Level’s Community Peace Officers says last year was a year like no other for the community.

Sergeant Mark Rushton says the Chuckegg Creek wildfires made it difficult to compare crime trends from 2019 to other years.

“The fire happened right at the beginning of our peak season,” says Rushton.

“It’s difficult to compare 2019, year-over-year to previous years because the town was vacant for a huge portion of our busy season.”

Ruston says the High Level’s Community Peace Officer is a program that focuses specifically on enforcing the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Act, and wants to be proactive.

“We try and maintain highly proactive and visible patrols,” explains Rushton.

“We want to keep the alcohol and cannabis abuse to a minimum.”

Rushton also says the town is trying to set up a school resource program with the Fort Vermillion School Division.

“What we are trying to do is have officers place in each school to work as a resource officer,” mentions Rushton.

“The goal of this is to build relationships and rapport and address some of the concerns at a younger age.”

– Kenny Trenton, Trending 55 Newsroom
