Majority of Peace/Mackenzie residents against separation


The majority of voters to last week’s Trending 55 Poll of the Week want to remain part of Canada.

We asked last week if you supported separation and out of 725 respondents, 462 (64 percent) wants Alberta to remain in confederation.

However, 263 voters did indicate they feel it is time for Alberta to separate from Canada.

This week, we are focusing on lead-up to the federal election in the United States.

Given the fact Canada and the United States are neighbours, and several states list Canada as its number one trading partner, are you paying attention to politics south of the border?

Below are some of your comments on our most recent poll from the Trending 55 Facebook page:

Katy Carnell Definitely time to get out of Alberta. Bad enough we have a cry baby Premier. Whos talking about screwing with CPP. And top it off throwing us back to the 80’s. Now this garbage. What so many ppl dont understand that this type of talked really killed alot of big projects and they are still trying to come back from this in Quebec.

Chris Zwick Polls like this are great bc everyone can see how everyone else voted … this makes it easy to identify the separatists after they lose their crybaby referendum and we send them out to sea on the nearest ice flow that totally isn’t melting. Hell, they can even take the name if they’re so inclined … The United Floating Republic of Alberta kinda rolls off the tongue no?

Brian Arcand Alberta would prosper greatly without that Eastern Albatross choking us off.

Lori Granquist Day Did you even read the Declaration? It is not saying we are separating. It’s much like what Quebec did. It’s a tool.

Breanna Marie Watson The people that want to separate are the same people to yell “then just leave” if you disagree with something they do. ????
It’s actually hilarious

Leo Brochu Get rid of justin brain dead Want New Government in Canada

Mary Lou Hill I am Canadian and will stay as such

Paul Deurloo We. Are. Not. Going. Anywhere!

Chris Cook Haha wexit is just a way for crybabys to separate kinda like if u eat the last cookie I’m going home then .

Dianne Fuson Ridiculous!

Ed Lock Hmm.. I feel I missed the part that says do this or “we” walk…

The path forward seems to read more like a call for balance and equality as an partner for all the provinces.

– Kenny Trenton, Trending 55 Newsroom
