NDP Releases Plan For More Value Added Ag Production


The Opposition NDP wants to create a special incentive program for companies to build or expand food processing facilities in Alberta.

Heather Sweet, the NDP’s Agriculture Critic, says their plan would be similar to what happens in other provinces.

“Saskatchewan and Manitoba have really created a concierge service. They meet investors at the door, they really get them through the regulatory burdens when it comes to some of the policies and regulations that have to be obviously supported and dealt with when you’re looking at bringing in new investment and building plants in the area. Alberta is really behind on that.”

Sweet says their plan would also bring on more staff to speed up the processing of agricultural and agri-food proposals.

She add that their plan would bring billions of dollars’ worth of new investment and jobs to rural communities.

“There is a ton of opportunity depending on what we’re looking at, whether it be a fractionator for pulses, whether it be a grain elevator, all of those things are important to ensure that we’re driving that rural economy. We need to really ensure that when we’re talking about the government support for investment, that we’re looking at how to drive the rural economies as well.”

We talked to Sweet on the Trending 55 Hot Seat, that full discussion is below.

– Kyle Moore, Trending 55 Hot Seat