Pressure On Provincial Government To Do More For Housing


The NDP’s Housing Critic says consistently high rental increases is what lead to the introduction of a bill aimed at providing relief.

Janis Irwin says the bill is one of a number of methods they’re using to get the provincial government to do more about the housing crisis.

“The bill proposes a temporary rent increase cap at 2% for two years and then it’s tied to cpi (inflation) for two years following. The second part of the bill is just requiring greater accountability and transparency from the government by asking for details on affordable and social housing targets and reporting. That’s a way to be able to hold this government accountable when it comes to building more affordable housing.”

Irwin says several other provinces have implemented regulations to control rising rental costs, but Alberta lacks any such rules currently.

“What we’re hoping to do here is to provide immediate relief for renters. I’ve heard from countless Albertans who are experiencing 20, 30, 50% rent increases and it’s simply unsustainable for most Albertans. This bill is intended to be a temporary emergency measure.”

Irwin says they’re also pushing the government to build more housing and prioritize tackling homelessness.

You can listen to the full interview we did with Irwin below.

– Kyle Moore, Trending 55 Newsroom