Province Continuing Work On Red Tape Reduction


Alberta’s Associate Minister of Red Tape Reduction has been touring the province recently to collect feedback on what changes they can make for removing unnecessary regulations.

Tanya Fir was on the Trending 55 Hot Seat and says her department has been working with some industries that are big in our region.

“We have Red Tape Reduction industry panels where we get feedback on how we can cut red tape and both the forestry and the oil and gas industry panels include representation from the Peace Region. For example, the Alberta Forest Products Association and the Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers, they have members who have operations in the region.”

Fir says there’s several things they’re looking at as part of the economic recovery.

“What we’re really looking at some of the high impact items that are going to have the biggest impact for Albertans in terms of creating jobs and saving money and making life easier for Albertans. Whether that has to do with our oil and gas sector, or our agriculture and forestry industry or Alberta Environment and Park, we’re looking for some high impact items there.”

We talked to the Minister on the Trending 55 Hot Seat, you can hear the full interview below.

– Kyle Moore, Trending 55 Hot Seat