Two farms in Peace Region of 60 approved projects across Canada receiving federal grant


The Government of Canada is making investments in clean technology and supporting sustainable farming practices with the Agricultural Clean Technology Program.

On February 3, 2022, the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Marie-Claude Bibeau announced the first wave of 60 approved projects for the ACT program.

$17.9 million dollars has been allocated for the first 60 approved projects, which is helping Canadian farmers and agri-businesses access the latest clean technologies.

The funding is focused on three priority areas: green energy and energy efficiency; precision agriculture; and the bio-economy.

Ten farms in Alberta have been approved for funding through adoption of new practices with cleaner technology in the first phase; with two practices in the Peace Region.

Two operations in Hines Creek and Fairview have received approved funding over $383,000 to install new grain dryers on their farms.

The ACT program is complementing the work already underway by farmers to help reduce carbon emissions and develop technology to adapt to the changing climate.

-Erika Rolling, Trending 55 Newsroom