Wildfire Update for Boone Lake Complex in Saddle Hills

Courtesy of Saddle Hills County:
(picture below)
Fires GWF-035 & GWF-038 are now 1,000 and 3,800 hectares respectively, in size. Forestry has classified and named these two fires as the “Boone Lake Complex”. They have committed aircraft, heavy equipment and firefighters to these two fires.
Yesterday, structural protective measures were placed on the White Mountain lookout tower, the Environment Canada radar tower, and two other communications towers, consisting in water bladders, pumps & sprinklers.
Today and tomorrow, the wind will be from the east. The fire behavior is expected to increase this afternoon, and again into tomorrow.
We will be modifying the evacuation zone as the fire expands and moves in new directions. We are also preparing for evacuation operations in the event the fire approaches occupied land downwind of the fire. The Spring Lake campground is currently open. If the fire gets within 6 km of the campground, we will likely need to evacuate it.
We will add evacuation zones as required, through Alberta Emergency Alert and our social media. Emergency preparedness resources can be found on our website and through Be Prepared Alberta.
Further updates will be provided as available.